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Friday, November 21, 2014


A warm hug was all i needed at that moment when i crashed my car to d bus.

I only started to cry when i heard her voice over the phone. She came running and hugged me immediately. I was shaking she said. I didn't know what to do. All that went tru my mind was. Why am i so careless, i should have this and that and i shouldnt have this and that. How am i gona tell my parents?

But all she did was to just hug me and tell me its ok, everything is alright. Check on me if i was hurt. I felt like i wanted to commit suicide. You know that feeling when you did something terribly wrong and all u wanted to do was to hide? Ya i felt like that. But she was with me the whole night trying to console me. Make me feel like a kitten hiding under d hood of a car when it rains. 

That secure feeling that i had when i was being hug was undescribable. Its amazing how simple a single action give such a great impact. I know i might sound unreasonable. But u wun feel it unless u  went through it, 

Thanks. For being there for me.