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Monday, June 21, 2010

Babby Birdies RIP

Bro's birdy... 1 down that night... and 1 more still ok.
I went in after playing with it in the cage.
mom was asking if they eaten or not.
i went out again and it was like lying down on the floor.
And then i called my bro.. rushing in and out! =(
heart pumping!
and then i got nothing to do.. its dying i had to pick it up... =(
suddenoy my tears rolling down ad omg!
it was still breathing! and i was like so scared !
and then i felt his heartbeat! =p im so hapy!
and then im like omg! he doesnt wanna eat!
doesnt wanna drink. i'm so scared!
i called my bro again! =(
And then his leg crampped... and boom.
Gone =(
i cried even more!!!
died in my palm and i cant help it!
u noe how it feel or not?!

Digged a heart shape for them... =(

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